Absorption bromide lithium refrigeration machines

The company develops energy-saving projects by involving low-temperature heat flows of the economic complex into circulation with the help of reverse-cycle absorption units.

Absorption lithium bromide refrigeration machine is an evaporative type refrigeration unit. The principle of operation of the absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machine is based on the use of thermal energy, not electric, which makes the absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machine an economical analogue of steam compression refrigerating machines traditional for our region. It is especially important to use an absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machine in the presence of "waste" heat flows of an average temperature level. Such flows take place at energy and heat-technological industrial enterprises.

The design of the absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machine is distinguished by reliability and durability, low noise, no vibration and low power consumption. Environmental cleanliness and safety meet the highest international standards.

These advantages and a wide power range have made it convenient to use both in technological processes with temperatures of +5...+7 ° C, and for air conditioning of buildings.

The use of absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machines makes it possible to simultaneously solve two problems: to provide technological and household air conditioning and to reduce energy costs, which ultimately falls on the cost of production.

Абсорбционная бромисто-литиевая холодильная машина (АБХМ)  - энергоэффективность


Design of hazardous production facilities of the chemical, petrochemical and gas industries
Modern technologies in design.

Contact us

+375 (17) 279-91-02 (telephone)

+375 (17) 379-40-72 (fax number)


Leshchinsky street, 4А,

Minsk city, 2201400, Belarus 

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