The design of petroleum products sales and services objects

Реализация нефтепродуктов_АЗС
Реализация нефтепродуктов - Автомойка - Нефтехипроект
Реализация нефтепродуктов и сервиса - Нефтехмпроект

A significant amount of work is carried out in the field of designing objects for the sale of petroleum products and service: mini-gas stations, small automatic gas stations, multi-fuel gas stations with a complex of services, cafes and shops, and filling stations also.

The requirements for the optimal organization of production technology, space-planning solutions are met, modern technological equipment is used.

We design the following facilities for the sale of petroleum products and services:

  • car filling stations,
  • automated automobile filling stations,
  • electric vehicle charging,
  • maintenance stations,
  • tire repair stations, car and truck washes stations.
Реализация нефтепродуктов и сервиса Нефтехимпроект


Design of hazardous production facilities of the chemical, petrochemical and gas industries
Modern technologies in design.

Contact us

+375 (17) 279-91-02 (telephone)

+375 (17) 379-40-72 (fax number) 

Leshchinsky street, 4А,

Minsk city, 2201400, Belarus 

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