The using of Augmented Reality technology

The company is testing a new technology that combines information modeling technology (BIM) and augmented reality. With the help of a special application, it becomes possible to place a virtual layout of BIM objects and consider the project in detail, including layers, with the possibility of scaling.

Augmented reality allows you to supplement the physical world with digital data that are perceived as elements of real life, it appears as a new interactive technology that allows you to overlay computer graphics or text information on real-time objects.

This technology has the following advantages:

  • visibility,
  • the ability to make presentations at a new level,
  • efficiency – making and discussing project decisions becomes easier.



Design of hazardous production facilities of the chemical, petrochemical and gas industries
Modern technologies in design.

Contact us

+375 (17) 279-91-02 (telephone)

+375 (17) 379-40-72 (fax number) 

Leshchinsky street, 4А,

Minsk city, 2201400, Belarus 

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