Aerial laser scanning

Aerial laser scanning is the fastest, most reliable, and sometimes the only method of collecting data on a real surface, including in hard-to-reach areas and territories covered with forests. Aerial laser scanning allows you to obtain data on the shape, location and reflective characteristics of the objects under study.

The point cloud obtained as a result of aerial laser scanning becomes the basis for the creation of topographic plans and the formation of orthophotoplans of the studied area. Thanks to such data, the time to create a topographic basis for large-area and extended linear objects is noticeably reduced.

Among the possibilities and main advantages of air laser scanning technology, the following can be highlighted and emphasized:

  • high speed shooting and coverage of up to 400 square kilometers in one flight day;
  • synchronization in working with digital aerial photography;
  • photorealistic and textured 3D terrain models based on the results of the survey;
  • high economic efficiency in comparison with ground-based and even mobile methods of shooting;
  • work in hard-to-reach and dangerous areas without direct presence on the ground.


Design of hazardous production facilities of the chemical, petrochemical and gas industries
Modern technologies in design.

Contact us

+375 (17) 279-91-02 (telephone)

+375 (17) 379-40-72 (fax number) 

Leshchinsky street, 4А,

Minsk city, 2201400, Belarus 

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