Engineering survey

Инженерно-геодезические изыскания и инженерно-геологические изыскания
Инженерно-геологические изыскания и инженерно-геодезические изыскания
Инженерно-геодезические изыскания и инженерно-геологические изыскания

The company performs the following types of engineering survey:

  • engineering and geological surveys;
  • engineering and geodetic studies.

Engineering and geological surveys make it possible to take into account the features of the future construction object, to determine the optimal level of the foundation, the strength of load-bearing structures. They also contribute to a comprehensive study of the geological conditions of the area in which construction is expected. At the same time, the features of the relief, geological structures, soil composition, and their properties are taken into account.

Engineering and geodetic studies include geodetic and topographic engineering surveys. Geodetic survey is a mandatory part of engineering research, which is carried out in the area where construction work is planned. It helps to determine the exact location of the future building, with its help you can get data on the terrain. After completion of the work, a forecast of changes is made, recommendations are made to take into account the geophysical features of this siteа.

An integrated approach combining various types of engineering surveys allows for a comprehensive and timely survey of construction sites.

When performing engineering and geodetic and survey work, 3D laser scanning can be used, the result of which is a processed "point cloud".

Engineering surveys by our company are carried out only on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

инженерно-геологические и инженерно-геодезические изыскания


Design of hazardous production facilities of the chemical, petrochemical and gas industries
Modern technologies in design.

Contact us

+375 (17) 279-91-02 (telephone)

+375 (17) 379-40-72 (fax number) 

Leshchinsky street, 4А,

Minsk city, 2201400, Belarus 

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